I believe that 9/11 was a wake-up call, and not as much a call to arms as a call to awareness.* The world appears to be lost in “mad-ness,” and it didn’t happen overnight. Whoever thought men would fly airplanes into buildings full of people, priests would rape the innocent, CEO’s would steal the life savings of their loyal employees, or young people would open fire on their fellow students? And as time passes it seems to only be getting worse. There’s an imbalance in our paradigm that has left a hole in its soul. We live in a world that struggles for peace, both on a global and a personal level. The question arises as to whether what many call a “moral decline” in our time is really about a spiritual crisis resulting from the loss of truly experiencing a personal connection to a source of unconditional love, whether it be called Christ, Buddha, Allah, Goddess, Mother Nature . . . So many people are searching for some kind of meaning and connection, feeling caught between cynicism about the institutions of organized religion and skepticism around “New Age”.

The Big Bang of Quantum Physics opened up the scientific mind of our paradigm to accept the ancient knowledge that everything is related. As we move into a time when energy describes something more than what powers our appliances, there is a desire to gain a deeper understanding about this invisible language. The Secret (movie and the book) swept the world with an “ancient” Law of Attraction. This repackaging of the power of positive thinking to a modern paradigm has introduced a certain amount of magical thinking that we bring everything into our lives through our thoughts. Although our thoughts have more influence over our lives than we ever thought possible, creating our own destiny is not about rubbing a Genie's lamp. There are times when the only control we have over our life is how we respond to it. 

It is a fact that unconditional loving energy is as necessary to us as the air we breathe. All of us know that if our supply of air is threatened our primal brain will automatically move into survival mode. How many tragic stories have we heard of a loved one going to rescue someone who is drowning, only to have the drowning person pull them under in an effort to survive? When we focus on getting our “lifeline” supply of loving energy from another finite person, rather than an infinite source, we get into that same survival mode. No one consistently can supply the quantity and, often, the quality of love that we need, and so we sometimes panic in our relationships. We may either grab onto someone, holding them close for fear they will leave us and, in a primitive sense, feeling as though we would “die” if they did. Or we may feel someone else has grabbed us as their lifeline and that if they don’t let go we will be suffocated “to death.” The phrase commonly used for these types of behaviors in relational interactions is “dysfunctional.” Yet, it can’t be denied that there is a “function” in these behaviors if we don’t know where else to go for that lifeline of loving energy.

There is my truth, your truth and The Truth. Despite what some suggest, no one can know “The Truth,” the best we can do is to have an experience of our own inner truth, one that resonates deep within us, not from our self focused ego, but from a loving spiritual center. The University of Chicago did research to discover why some people go to counseling for years and nothing changes, while others go for a short time and experience a significant change. The results showed that the difference was based on a “felt sense,” an actual shift felt inside the body. 

We are just beginning to understand the depth of this new perspective of an energetic, spiritual connection. The mystery of Spirit and importance of purpose are essential in life’s mystical evolution and important to a world in such need. Through safe, supportive interactions, individual reflection and relaxing guided visualizations, there is an opportunity to experience deep, inner change.  Inward Bound was created to offer a bridge to your truth using tools that facilitate transcending the ego to become transformed from within.

*When a malignant growth is found in the body, it is often necessary to cut out the tumor. But it is equally as important to take time to do research and understand what caused the malignancy to find answers for curative healing. 

Transformational Tools
Spiritual Connection

A New Paradigm